Don't look like these trends did well ? ...... sorry .... I just share / don't play most
I , for one, understand that you simply convey facts, and it is up to the reader to decide what to do.
Just like with investments, “past performance is no indication of future returns.”
Still, I find your information, interesting, and valuable. I do not ascribe as much significance to a trend say, for example, Tuesday night performances, as I do to trends for performances after a the last game’s outcome.
I have made some successful wagers based on the information you provided, and thank you for that.
Please continue doing what you have been doing, especially for football if you have information along the same lines as football. For example, I put a lot of stock in stats about a quarterback’s next performance coming after a bad game.
As was written by Hunter/Garcia, (not starting pitcher combinations, or a battery):
“The story teller makes no choice
Soon you will not hear his voice
His job is to shed light
Not to master”
I very much appreciate the insight you provide. My only regret is I didn’t start reading it sooner.